Friday, March 1, 2024

Future Entrepreneur Participant Success!

On Friday February 15th, Arc SF & SFDBA Future Entrepreneur participant and self-published author Connie Chu participated in the Wine and Book Tasting event at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. Connie met several other authors and had the opportunity to sell some of her self published books. She also got some great ideas for her participation in future book events. 

Connie also recently applied for and was awarded a $5000 fellowship with the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center (SARTAC). Over the next year Connie will run her program titled How the Printed Word Becomes a Small Business. Through this program, Connie wants to teach her peers how it is possible for others with or without disabilities to build a business through self publishing their writing. Over the next year, Connie will recruit participants for this program through the Arc and teach them how to self-publish their own writings. 

Congratulations Connie!

Purchase Connie's books here:

Connie's website: