- Our annual Bay Area Disability Entrepreneurship Event will be November 9th 5:00-8:30pm at the Elks Lodge #3 at 450 Post Street San Francisco. This event will consist of a dynamic panel of seasoned entrepreneurs with disabilities, networking opportunities, resources, art and much more!
- The SFDBA was selected by the San Francisco State University Institute for Civic & Community Engagement for the Community Partnership Award. The awards originally scheduled for this fall, have been postponed until Spring 2024.
- Executive Director Peter C. DeHaas was chosen to be the keynote speaker for the Department of Occupational Rehabilitations annual breakfast at the Janet Pomeroy center on October 6th
- The SFDBA in partnership with the Arc of San Francisco and the City and County of San Francisco Office of Economic & Workforce Development has launched its entrepreneurship cohort consisting of 12 individuals with intellectual disabilities
- The Haas School of Business Center for Equity, Gender & Leadership reached out to SFDBA about featuring them for National Disability Employment Month in October. Read article here: https://berkeleyequity.medium.com/sfdba-is-paving-the-way-for-disability-entrepreneurship-in-san-francisco-975dd5a634ca
- Exciting news to come about the SFDBA's pursuit of its 501(c)(3) non-profit status!